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Type `:wq` to save and exit, `:q!` to exit without save ``` _ _ _ (_) /'_` ) _ ( (_) | (_)`\__, | | | (_) ``` (Protip: `ZZ` and `ZQ` in normal mode) # History of Vim Go read it up on Wikipedia: ## Testimonials > Coming with a very GUI mindset from Windows, I always thought of people > using Vi as some kind of outer space alien in human clothes. Once I > tried I really got addicted by its power and now I found myself typing > Vim keypresses in the oddest places! That's why I would like to see Vim > embedded in every application which deals with text editing. > --- (José Fonseca) # Mode Based Editing * Vim supports different modes (normal, `i`nsert, `v`isual, etc.) * `` to exit any mode and return to normal mode # Getting Started Vim comes with `vimtutor` binary which provides an "interactive" tutorial. # Basic Motions ^ k Hint: The h key is at the left and moves left. < h l > The l key is at the right and moves right. j The j key looks like a down arrow. v *But* you can almost always simply use the arrow keys to navigate # Basic Inserting To enter insert mode: * `i`: `i`nsert * `a`: `a`ppend * `o`: starts a new line # When Something Goes Wrong * `u`: `u`ndo * ``: `r`edo (`g-`/`g+` for walking through _undo-tree_) # More Motions * `w`: `w`ord forward * `b`: word `b`ackward * `e`: `e`nd of word * `)`, `(`: sentence forward, backward * `}`, `{`: paragraph forward, backward * `%`: matching item, e.g. `()` `[]` `{}` * `^`, `$`: start of text and end of line * `1G`: go to line `1` # Cool Selection Tricks * ``: block/column selection * `V`: line-based select * `o`: jump to start/end of selection * `gv`: re-select previous selection # Basic Editing * `x`: delete character (cross out) * `dd`: `d`elete line * `cc`: `c`hange line * `s`: `s`ubstitute character under cursor * `J`: `J`oin lines # Copy & Paste * `y`: copy (`y`ank) * `d` or `x`: cut (`d`elete) * `p`: `p`aste # Combining Keys Compose single keys to build powerful actions: * `2.`: repeat last action `2` times * `yw`: `y`ank to next `w`ord * `y3w`: `y`ank next `3` `w`ords * `das`: `d`elete `a` `s`entence * `ciw`: `c`hange `i`nner `w`ord * `gUiw`: `U`pper-case `i`nner `w`ord # Text Object Selection * `viw`: `i`nner `w`ord * `vis`: `i`nner `s`entence * `vib`: `i`nner `b`lock, e.g. `()` `[]` * `vi"`: `i`nside double quotes * `vap`: `a`round `p`aragraph * `va]`: `a`round brackets * `vat`: `a`round `t`ag * ... plus many more # Searching * `/regex`, `?regex`: search regular expression forward, backward * `*`, `#`: forward search for word under cursor, backward search * `n`, `N`: next match, previous match * `fc`, `Fc`: next/previous character 'c' (inclusive) * `tc`, `Tc`: next/previous character 'c' (exclusive) * `;`, `,`: repeat forward, repeat backward * `:%s/pattern/replace/g`: *s*ubstitute text file-wide # Command Line Mode ("ex" mode) `:[range][command]` Useful commands: * `:make`: execute Makefile * `:!cmd`: run external command * `:%!cmd`: filter and replace content by command * `:1,10w file`: *w*rite first 10 lines to file * `:r!date`: *r*ead current date and time into file * `:g/pattern/command`: perform *g*lobal command * `:v/pattern/command`: perform in*v*erted global command * e.g. `:g/^$/d`: delete empty lines * e.g. `:g/^#/norm A #` add " #" after each Markdown header line # Quick Filter Need to filter current line through external command? * `:.!cmd`: filter current line through command (Protip: Type `!!`) # Text layout * `=`: auto-indent text/source code * `>`, `<`: indent, unindent * `gq`: format text * `:center`: center text * `:left`: left align text * `:right`: right aliign text # Autocompletion * ``: autocomplete next * ``: autocomplete previous * ` `: autocomplete line * ` `: autocomplete file path * ` `: autocomplete with context * ` `: omni-completion # Registers * Yank and delete fill numbered registers 0 to 9 * 26 named registers a to z * Access registers with `"r` * `"ry3w`: `y`ank next `3` `w`ords into register "`r`" * `"r2p`: `p`aste `2` times from register "`r`" # Macros Registers can be used to store and replay macros * `qr`: start recording into register "r" and `q` when finished * `@r`: execute macro from register "r" * `@@`: re-run last macro * `@:`: re-run last "ex" command E.g. macro to capitalize first word in sentence, then jump to next sentence: ()guw~) # Marks Store bookmarks for text positions and use them as motion or ranges * `mr`: `m`ark position and store as `r` * `` `r ``: jump to mark `r` * `'r`: jump to line of mark `r` * Lowercase marks are valid within a single file * Uppercase marks are valid between files # Window Management * `s`, `v`: create `w`indow `s`plit, split `w`indow `v`ertically * `w`: cycle windows * `j`: activate window down * `c`: `c`lose window # Tab Management * `:tabedit path`: edit `path` in new tab * `:tabclose`: close current tab * `gt`, `gT`: next tab, previous tab # Files * `:e path`: *e*dit `path` in current buffer * `gf`: `g`o to `f`ile under cursor (or visual selection) * `gf`: open file under cursor in new tab # Useful Config Options ``` set number " show line numbers set ignorecase smartcase " ignore case if pattern lower case set incsearch " incremental search set hlsearch " highlight all matches " show non-printing characters (make sure your terminal supports UTF8!) set list listchars=tab:→ ,nbsp:␣,trail:•,space:⋅ ``` Can be persisted in `~/.vimrc`. If you want to have a look at my settings, check out # Plugins * Possibility to write and load plugins written in _VimL_ * Stored in `~/.vim/plugin/` ## Plugin Manager: Plug * Single-file plugin manager * Installing: ```sh $ curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \ https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug/raw/master/plug.vim ``` Then add to your `~/.vimrc`: ``` call plug#begin() Plug 'git repository url' call plug#end() ``` # Cool Stuff Using Vim as hex editor: ``` :%!xxd :%!xxd -r ``` # Useful Plugins (Incomplete List) * mattn/emmet-vim: HTML and CSS editing on steroids * tpope/vim-surround: Clever way of changing surrounding elements * tpope/vim-fugitive: Never leave Vim, when you have to do Git stuff * plasticboy/vim-markdown: Better visual editing of markdown files * junegunn/vim-easy-align: Align text and tables # Using Vim in Other Applications * [vscodevim](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vscodevim.vim) A Vim plugin for Visual Studio Code * [ideavim](https://github.com/JetBrains/ideavim) A Vim plugin for IntelliJ * [vimperator](http://vimperator.org/) A Vim plugin for Firefox # Sources and Further Reading * `man vim` * Vim's `:help` * * * * * * * # Contact * [fhLUG.at](https://fhLUG.at) * [freenode#fhlug](https://fhLUG.at/irc)