Workshop „gitify your $HOME“

Ahoy hoy Student*,

nächsten Dienstag wird der Workshop vom März nachgeholt, der damals aufgrund von Erkrankung des Vortragenden abgesagt werden musste. Die Details findet ihr unten.

What: [fhLUG Event] Workshop „gitify your $HOME“
When: Dienstag, 19.05.2015, 19:00
Where: FH3, LBS3

Der Hauptteil des Abends wird sich um Tools drehen, mit deren Hilfe Konfigurationsdateien in $HOME unter Versionskontrolle gestellt und so einfacher auf unterschiedlichen Geräten synchronisiert werden können.

Danach sind alle Besucher herzlich eingeladen, mit uns den Abend im Pub ausklingen zu lassen.


The workshop from March, which had to be cancelled due to illness of the presenter, will be held next Tuesday instead.

The main event of the evening will be a workshop about tools that help you put your config files in $HOME under version control and share them across devices more easily.

After that, we invite you all to join us in the pub where we will bring the evening to an end.

Bis dann – See you there

Author: Simon Hornbachner

I studied Secure Information Systems and as such, like to call myself a security engineer with a passion for Free Software and DevOps. I'm very interested in combining FLOSS tools and DevOps principles to solve problems like Patch Management, Log Management, Security Event Management or Vulnerabilty Assessment. I strongly believe in Software Freedom and copyleft as a tool to improve Software Freedom overall. This is why, apart from my involvement with the fhLUG, I volunteer for FSFE by being a member of the Austrian team and by coordinating the local group in Linz.

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